Sunday, 16 January 2011

Amending A Broken Heart


This is for that special someone. U wouldn’t know this is for u until u read it all.

Today i woke up miserably. I had a bad nightmare. U was there. My friends were there too. But most importantly, i was there, seeing all those things happened in a blink of an eye. But it seems u can’t see me. I wore this special robe where i turn invincible just like in Harry Potter’s movie. U stole my friends, all of them...

Remembering this, i made a mistake few weeks back. The worst feeling ever is when we made a mistake, and have to act like we don’t care at all. I do care! But i need to act like i did not. I guess nobody's perfect. We're just a bunch of ardent egoists. To think about it, yesterday was one of the best days of my life, today im regretting every moment of it. I guess u could say im an actor. A really great one i presume.

Life is like a roller coaster. It wouldn’t be fun without the ups and downs, turns and loops.  Currently, im in the state where im at the lowest point of all. When something bad happens, u have 3 choices. U can either let it define u, destroy u or let it strengthen u. I hope this time it will strengthen me. Sometimes life is too complicated and u just have to flow with it since god controls everything.

With all the smiles u brought me, i never thought that u could cause me so many tears. How could someone who could brighten my darkest day turn into the only reason my life has become miserable? I hope i learn from my mistake. My suggestion? Never get too attached to anyone because attachments leads to expectations, and expectations lead to disappointments. 

Never have regrets, be kind to all and love unconditionally. These are ways to live ur life to the fullest, because u never know which breath will be ur last. I remember this one quote. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt urself putting it back together.

Now im not sure what i should do. Feeling so low. Give me strength! Please...

Aku Anoz


your bro said...

be strong my man!

ihsan_huhu said...

fuh kecundang siot

Anonymous said...

saya pernah mengenali awak suatu ketika dulu. dan awak yang saya kenal adalah seorang yang ceria, kuat, berfikiran positif dan tak pernah mengaku kalah.

dulu, saya adalah seorang yang slalu tersungkur dalam emosi. apa yang didunia ni slalu mengecewakan. bahagianya hanya sekejap. tak cukup untuk memberi selama mana saya bernafas.

n u noe, as time goes on, saya bersyukur kerana hidup masih bertuhan. dan pada Dia saya slalu mengadu. dan pada Dia saya slalu menangis. dan sampai satu masa, saya rasa saya dh jatuh cinta pada Dia. walaupun Dia tak memberi apa2 yang solid di hadapan mata, namun perasaan ketenangan dan kebahagiaan yang Dia berikan dah cukup mgembirakan. dan dari saat itu, saya ingin mengenaliNya dan mcintaiNya bukan hanya sebagai hamba tetapi sebagai kekasih..

kini, walau di mana2 dan apa jua kondisi yang berlaku, saya tahu Dia sentiasa ada di sisi saya..entahlah, tak dapat saya nak menggambarkan perasaan ni pd awk.

awak, saya tak jeles kalo awak nak kenal Dia. bila awak bahagia, saya pun bahagia.kenalilah Dia, cintailah Dia.. awak tak akan penah menyesal, insyaAllah..

live ur life to the fullest in the guidance of Allah.. awk kuat!

shiela said...

be strong anas...

Anonymous said...

salam. tu lah dulu awak jugak yang banyak mempermainkan perempuan. kapel sana-sini. perempuan itu ini. anggap ia sebagai kafarah dosa ye anoz.


Si Sejuk said...

Go Anoz go.. It's ok.
Jodoh ko pasti datang jugak.
Buunga bkn sekuntuk. hehe

Anonymous said...

masa di langkawi, awak igt lagi tak awak suka saya tp awk pada masa yg sama ada gadis lain. anggap lah ini sbg kafarah dosa.